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Article: 48 hours - 3 artists - Open studio - Berlin

48 hours - 3 artists - Open studio - Berlin

48 hours - 3 artists - Open studio - Berlin

48 Hours Neukölln - Open Atelier

"One day I will travel the world" by Popurrí collective
(Lilian Syrigou - Claudia Minestrone-Calzone - Niovi Kitsune)
Atelier Kunst-Moment // Boddinstraße 9 // 12053 Berlin

"Popurrí" collective is honored to participate in this year’s edition of the “48 Stunden Neukölln” festival, which takes place from June 24th - 26th, 2016!!

ONE DAY I’ll travel the world!
A DREAM like all the unfulfilled ones;
A THIRST to encounter and embrace strangers;
THE CURIOSITY to discover diverse worlds;
THE YEARNING for finding my inner self, far away from “here”;
THE HOPE that “there” will be better than “here”;

Friday 24.6.16
open atelier: 19.00 - 00.00

Saturday 25.6.16
open atelier: 15.00 - 00.00
21.00: AR - live Improvisation by André Flemming and Rui Caldeira
22.00: DJ set by Shepherd /

Sunday 26.6.16
open atelier: 13.00 - 19.00


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Gravity - Art Exhibition

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